Showing posts with label Followers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Followers. Show all posts

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

A Decade of The Glass Walking-Stick!

...or Ten Years On The Blog...

Holy Guacamole! It's hard to believe I've been ( sort of ) working on this 'ere blog for a whole ten years. Well, I say "hard to believe" but when I actually look back at my various, random drivellings over the years, it does kind of hit me how long it's been since that first rookie post...

At the start I wasn't quite sure what I was doing ( as in life, so in blogging ), treating the blog as a kind of journal and even worrying when I wasn't posting regularly. Imagine that! Over the years my output here has sloooooowed down to a kind of backwards crawl but I still enjoy doing it when the mood takes me. I did say to James the other day that maybe I should call a halt to TGW-S after this 10th anniversary post but he convinced me to keep on keepin' on. If anything, it's a good exercise in keeping the old grey matter ticking over, probably needed more than ever now I'm in my fifties  -  I was only 41 when I started the blog! A spring chicken! A youngster...

Although not as young as in the photo above. This is me and my much-missed dog Buxton ( aka Buck, aka Bucko, aka "where's that bloody dog gone this time" etc. ), some time in the late 1980s. I know you're more used to cat photos here, Dear Hypothetical Reader, but as I'm getting all nostalgic today I thought it would be good to give a canine the spotlight for a change.
( I am kind of hopping around from one subject to another here, but stick with it, I'll only have this tenth anniversary the one time. Can't imagine I'll be doing this in another 10 years. Or will I?... )

Anyway, back to the history of the blog ( Don't you find it fascinating? Hello? Anyone? )  -  I began to suss out the things I enjoyed writing about  -  movies, music, Doctor Who, comics, all that stuff, with the occasional post about things my family and I were up to in the real world. I particularly enjoyed writing some semi-regular series of posts like Favourite Gig Fridays and Steranko Saturdays which gave the blog some kind of structure and also gave me deadlines, without which I'm pretty useless.
Of course, one of the greatest joys of blogging has been talking to fellow, like-minded ( or not ) bloggers, reading their often far superior posts and generally feeling like part of a community. That feeling has sadly waned over the years as so many blogs and bloggers have fallen by the wayside. Some retired from the scene and happily gave their friends and Followers a chance to say au revoir, some just disappeared from the Blogosphere without warning. I have to admit I really miss some of those guys... so, if any of the following are still out there, why not leave a comment?
Mickey Glitter, Wiec?, The Igloo Keeper, Momo, Richard Bensam, Mandra   -  it would be great to hear from you.
Luckily, there are still the faithful few ( and I do mean "few"! ) who still drop by, so here's a big TGW-S THANK YOU to anyone who finds themselves reading this drivel when they should really be doing something less boring instead. You know who you are...

( No, not those two, obviously... but some lovely people who are almost as cool... )
Oh, you want me to name names? Alrighty then. Many thanks to these wonderful folks for supporting this 'ere blog over the years: Tom Wiggins, Joe Bloke, Pete Doree, Steve W, Kid Robson, MD Jackson, Karen 'n' Doug, The Groovy Agent, John Pitt, Joanne Casey, Paul McScotty, Matthew Killorin...
and, of course, my Canadian brother from another mother, the mighty Calvin Heighton!

Aaand that's enough back-slapping for now. I wouldn't want anyone to get big-headed. So, while I start to think about what the hell I'm going to do with this blog after this millstone ( er, "milestone" )      ( answers on a postcard? ) I'll leave you with some random pics from the Visual Vaults of The Glass Walking-Stick.

Peace and Love  -  cerebus660 ( Simon )

Sunday, 9 February 2014

A quarter of a million...?

Yes, it's true... this 'ere blog has recently hit 250,000 page views and I thought I'd just thank all you wonderful people out there in the Blogosphere for all your support. I know 250,000 page views over 5 years doesn't seem so much when compared with the output and following of more, er, prolific bloggers  -  but I'm pleased with it. And so is Hero who popped his head out of the basket above to add his thanks. Strange cat :-)
And, in the time-honoured tradition of TGWS,  here's some more random stuff...

( Above is the lovely Momo / "Jazz"  -  a very talented blogger who has sadly given up blogging for more important matters in the "real" world. If you're still reading this, Momo, I hope you and your family are well. Best wishes from the UK... )

And here are Sarah and I, raising a glass to all you Followers and bloggers out there.
( Well, yes, it's really a photo from last Christmas but we can pretend, can't we? )

Soundtrack: Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd

Sunday, 30 December 2012


I thought I might just scrape through the 200,000 Page View barrier before the end of 2012. I thought it would be quite an achievement, really. So, I was pleased that I hit that milestone just ahead of the end of the year... and then lost a Follower on the same day.

So, thanks to everyone who reads these scintillating scribblings  -  I couldn't do it without you!
And goodbye to Follower 71, whoever you are... you're going to miss loads of good stuff :-)

Sunday, 29 May 2011

The cool and the crazy

You know who you are.....

But Blogger obviously don't.

For some reason my lists of Followers seem to have vanished off this blog and 15 Albums* - which is a pain in the arse. I know it's the height of fashion to moan about Blogger at the moment, but I'm jumping on the bandwagon.

Come on, Blogger! Get it right!

Maybe it's time to migrate to Wordpress.....

*Which I've finally updated with a post on Mercury Rev's Deserter's Songs. Check it out...

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Followers... they're grrrrrrreat!

Hi to new Followers csmith2884 and Cruella Collett !!

As you can see, the days are certainly packed around here...

Soundtrack: Jump Around by House Of Pain ( It's St. Patrick's Day after all )

Tuesday, 1 March 2011


A big "Hi!" to new Followers Diabolik
( super villain extraordinaire )
and Steve ( of Moody By Name fame )
Welcome on board!

And welcome to another Follower who's just arrived, Ray Perez!

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Satanic Terror

A big, blood-stained "hello" ( or even "aaaarrrgghhh!!!" ) to new Follower, Jason, the evil genius behind the supremely NSFW blog and comic Fukitor. His work reminds me in all its graphic, non-PC insanity of the Underground Comics greats Greg Irons, Robert Williams and S. Clay Wilson, so here's some of Mr. Wilson's
( relatively tame ) work.....

For those of a nervous disposition, Fukitor is strong, gory, tongue-in-cheek ( or tongue-ripped-out-through-cheek ) stuff.....
you have been warned.....

Thursday, 30 December 2010

Welcome to the organisation.....

Hi to new Followers, tom_hixon and BK ( sorry I can't type in cyrillic )

Good to see you here!

( Art by the wonderful Banksy - it doesn't really relate to anything, I just like it! )

Saturday, 11 December 2010

M.D.J is OK!

Hi to new Follower, M.D. Jackson, fellow blogger and fine fantasy artist. He's behind the excellent header art at Calvin's Canadian Cave Of Cool - what a stunning piece of work!

Check out M.D.'s artwork at his blog, Skylarking. And tell him cerebus660 sent you!

Monday, 27 September 2010

Busy, busy.....

Not much blog activity here, lately, so..... apologies etc. We've been very busy with James' birthday ( very good day, thanks ), clearing out my Mum's place..... and that whole work/real life thing that always gets in the way of blogging.

I'd just like to say Hi! to a couple of new Followers :
Man/woman of mystery exe1960 ( one of those Profile Not Available types )
and Duckers, curator of 3 very interesting blogs and a man of impeccable taste.

Oh yeah, and my new blog, 15 Albums, is open for business. Feel free to check it out, leave comments, abuse etc. ( well, not too much abuse ) and maybe read this old post to see where the idea came from. Ta.

Sunday, 29 August 2010

When I paint my masterpiece

Hi to new Follower, Christos, curator of the very stylish blogs Painting ( English translation ) and Famous Album Covers. Christos is a poet and artist in the beautiful city of Athens - how cool is that?
( That noise you hear is me, seething with envy :-) and booking a flight to Greece... )

Sunday, 22 August 2010

Movies on the menu

A belated welcome to new Follower, Jaccstev, from the blog Movie Cafe. Check it out for cool film news and reviews.....

..... and maybe some damn fine coffee.

Soundtrack: Innervisions by Stevie Wonder

Friday, 2 July 2010


Hi to new Follower Dezmond, from the blog Hollywood Spy! This blog does everything it says on the tin: the latest news on all things film, with loadsa photos of Hollywood's beautiful people.....
and Robin Williams.
Check it out!

Sunday, 13 June 2010

All you good, good people

I'd just like to thank all you lovely people out there in the blogosphere who have sent me so many kind messages lately. I really do appreciate your support in these tough times.



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