Yay, the Boys From The Dwarf are back!!! It's been a long, long wait but, thanks to Dave ( of all channels ), the original space-bums have returned.
And what a relief to find it all done so well! Co-creator Doug Naylor is onboard, writing and directing, the Boys are on fine form, the new sets and effects look surprisingly expensive and, best of all, the characterisation and humour are spot on. The last two series on BBC2 had seen the show drifting as erratically as Red Dwarf itself, but this first new episode has recaptured the glory days for me. Lister is still a slob with a heart of gold, Rimmer is still the ultimate jobsworth, Kryten is still a fussy but well-meaning bog-bot, and the Cat has been returned to his original characterisation of a narcissistic feline fashion-victim. Unfortunately we're missing the Dwarf's deranged computer, Holly, but that's my only complaint.
The first episode was great fun, featuring a sea-monster in the ship's watertank, a very fit looking possible replacement for Rimmsey in the form of Sophie Winkelman, some great dialogue, and the Cat confusing the word "tentacle" with "testicle". Two more episodes to watch this weekend ( not to mention Doctor Who and Primeval ).....
Happy smeggin' Easter!
Soundtrack: Born To Run by Bruce Springsteen and The E Street Band.