Sunday 1 November 2020

Let's have some beauty around here



  1. Francoise Hardy on a motorbike, and Big Barda... that is more interesting than cauliflower and macrame Simon.

    Anyway, count his as a vote in favour of continued posting - you can't give up on the blog just as we enter a new lockdown!


  2. Thanks for naming the lady on the motorbike Sean I couldn't remember her name . I would just add Debbie Harry, Gwen Stacy, Gay Advert and Katherine Hepburn to that list of iconic ladies. Agree with Sean keep blogging Simon.

  3. @Sean
    Thanks for the vote! Unlike Donald Trump I want the vote-counting process to carry on until I'm crowned Dictator For Life of the Blogosphere. Then, and only then, will I commence blogging about cauliflowers and macrame. Or not.

    Thanks mate. I definitely agree with your list of lovely ladies, icons all! Did I mention Gaye Advert kissed me once? In a car park? I think I almost spontaneously combusted... true story...

  4. But Simon, Trump IS calling for all the votes counted... in Arizona. At the same time as wanting it stopped elsewhere - you couldn't make it up (well, you could - as he obviously does - but you know what I mean).

    Cauliflowers for the people! Bring it on.


  5. Lol yes I do seem to recall that event 😉
