Sunday 8 November 2020

I'm probably the last person on Earth to blog about this...

but isn't the news coming out of America in the last two days just fantastic?



  1. I think we can all sleep a little sounder with that result. Trump's total lack of any dignity in conceding defeat just shows how petty, ridiculous and potentially dangerous he could be if he had won. Just hope there is no violence following his unfounded allegations of fraud.

  2. I reckon Trump being an arse about the result makes the news even better - recounts mean we get to read about the idiot losing all over again!
    Whenever you think its got about as entertaining as its going to get - like that press conference in a garden centre - something else comes along... apparently now loony tory MP John Redwood has sent a letter to Biden warning him not to interfere with Brexit lol.

    But while its nice to see the back of Trump, I find it a bit hard to get too excited about business as usual (what a miserable lefty git I am, eh?)


  3. Trump's mental torment is pleasing but I do fear he's going to decide to take it out on everybody else. I suspect the next couple of months aren't going to be smooth.

  4. Thanks for the comments, guys. While it seems we're near the end of Citizen Clown's Twitter Presidency, I fear the Trumpocalypse will rumble on for quite a while...
