Tuesday 24 February 2015

Careful now... they're watching you...

According to the Blogger Overlords "certain sexually explicit content" is now banned from this corner of t'internet and they will strike down upon us bloggers with great vengeance and furious anger if we post such things. As ever with these situations there's no real guidance about what constitutes "sexually explicit content" or even what constitutes the vague qualification of the word "certain". I've never posted anything here that  I would consider to be explicit but, of course, that's just my opinion and other, more enlightened, censors  killjoys fascists moral guardians may have differing opinions. So, I really hope the Blogger Big Brothers have fun trawling through all those thousands of posts out there for the occasional stray nipple and  -  just for them  -  here's a big cock...
 ( It's childish, I know, but I really take exception to this heavy-handed prudishness... )


  1. It is indeed depressing to see the way the freedom of the internet gets more and more eroded every year. Sadly, it seems to be an unstoppable and irreversible trend.

  2. I am really hating this totalitarian bullshit.

  3. Is there not an option to make your Blogspot over 18? Means everytime someone visits they have to agree

  4. That's the annoying thing, Joanne... there is a "Content Warning" page that gets slapped on many blogs which feature spicy content ( probably because some puritan complained ) so, surely, that should be enough? But, as ever, we're treated like idiots by the Internet Thought Police...

  5. Will I still be able to say "feck"?

  6. It would appear that Google/Blogger have backed down on the issue: https://uk.news.yahoo.com/google-scraps-plan-block-porn-blogger-155155468--finance.html#cPdsgvw

  7. @Steve
    Hopefully this is a victory for freedom of speech over censorship. I've no great interest in seeing Blogger filled with porn but I was concerned that some fine bloggers might be deleted by the powers that be for posting risque material. We're all adults here, surely? The "content warning" page should be enough to alert people to material they may be uncomfortable with.

    Apparently, you can still say "feck"
    Thanks feck for that...
