Sunday 22 February 2015

And now... the world's crappiest Dalek


  1. Now you've hurt his feelings. Just try to reason with him after that.

  2. Looks a handsome devil to me. I love Daleks.

  3. I can't say I'm worried: this guy doesn't look like he has much exterminating left in him...

  4. When I was a lad I had a red plastic Dalek suit that was even crappier than that! Honestly, it looked nothing like a Dalek really.
    But that didn't matter - I still loved it and have fond memories of running around the back garden, exterminating my brother in it!
    I believe you could even see my ankles and feet underneath the red flappy plastic skirt!!

  5. That must have been fun! I think I've seen photos of those Dalek suits - not the easiest shape to replicate as an affordable kids' costume I'd imagine :-)
