Tuesday 24 February 2015

Careful now... they're watching you...

According to the Blogger Overlords "certain sexually explicit content" is now banned from this corner of t'internet and they will strike down upon us bloggers with great vengeance and furious anger if we post such things. As ever with these situations there's no real guidance about what constitutes "sexually explicit content" or even what constitutes the vague qualification of the word "certain". I've never posted anything here that  I would consider to be explicit but, of course, that's just my opinion and other, more enlightened, censors  killjoys fascists moral guardians may have differing opinions. So, I really hope the Blogger Big Brothers have fun trawling through all those thousands of posts out there for the occasional stray nipple and  -  just for them  -  here's a big cock...
 ( It's childish, I know, but I really take exception to this heavy-handed prudishness... )

Move It 2015

Last weekend Sarah and I went down to that there London to see Sophie taking part in Move It 2015 at Olympia. ( That's her above in mid air. ) Move It is the premier UK expo for the dance / performing arts industry and Sophie's dance college The Big Act were performing and promoting themselves over the course of the three day event.

Olympia is a beautiful Victorian building and Move It and Perform ( dance and theatre respectively ) dominated the huge space.
After watching Sophie and her friends put on an excellent showcase in one of the smaller venues, we were lucky enough to watch her teaching a Hip Hop class in one of the many workshops dotted around the site. It was fascinating to see how a dance routine is taught and it was great to see her leading the workshop, alongside the Big Act dance teacher.

( Although, after hearing it over and over, I never want to listen to Sam Smith's Stay With Me ever again... )
We also watched a few other performances throughout the day which were all very impressive. I can't say I'm really a fan of contemporary dance or musical theatre but I've definitely become more appreciative of such things while following Sophie's dance education.
 One very proud dad and his talented daughter...
And here's a shot of Olympia's exterior. It really is a cool place...

Soundtrack: various tracks by Everything Everything and The Maccabees