Tuesday 3 September 2013

Dancing Queen

It was my beautiful daughter Sophie's 18th birthday on Saturday and we threw a party at our favourite venue, the Gloucester Guildhall, to celebrate. Here are Sophie and Sarah about to hit the dancefloor...
And I sneaked into this shot too...
We had a fantastic evening with loads of friends and family coming along to drink, dance, chat and just have a great time. Our little girl seemed very grown up as she danced the night away and then, after the party finished, dragged her boyfriend around Gloucester's drinking establishments until 2am. Oh, to be 18 again :-)
I'm cheating slightly with this last photo as it's actually from a wedding we went to in July... but most of our pics from Sophie's party came out quite dark and I really like this one... so for now I'll just pretend it's from Saturday night. Cheers!


  1. Congratulation Brother. You have a beautiful family. How is your health doing?

  2. Thanks Cal! I've just realised I didn't post any pictures of James from the party... then I remembered he ran away every time I tried to take a photo :-)
    I'll catch him eventually...

    Health-wise things are looking good. I'm having regular blood tests which have all been clear so far. I'm feeling stronger and am now back to work full time. Just need to put a little weight back on...

    Thanks for the kind words, Brother Cal.
