Wednesday 28 August 2013

Two Kings

Just a very quick post to remember two great, inspirational men...
Firstly, today is the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr's  "I have a dream" speech, one of the pivotal moments in the US civil rights movement and, indeed, in world history. Doctor King delivered this historic speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, before a quarter of a million onlookers, and his dignity and eloquence still ring out today, down the decades, with his message of unity and tolerance.
 The other King being remembered is the late Jack Kirby, King Of Comics, who would have been 96 today. Anyone who's been following this 'ere blog for any length of time would know that I've been a fan of Jack's wonderful storytelling all my life and I've posted a fair few Kirby images here over the years. So... here are a few more...


  1. Maybe that's a good definition of a king..good as any, I guess. Even after he's gone, you remember the guy. These guys are worth remembering. M.P.

  2. They certainly are, M.P.

    Thanks for commenting.
