Wednesday 16 March 2011

Men's Walk 2011

Here's my mate Kev ( no. 319 ) and me ( no. 317 ) having just finished the Men's Walk 2011, a 10km sponsored walk in aid of Cotswold Care Hospice. I'd been saying for some time that there ought to be a men's version of the Race For Life or Midnight Walk - two all-female charity races / walks - and now here was my chance to do my bit for the wonderful people at Cotswold Care.

700 blokes started out at 9am on a grey, gloomy Sunday morning at Gloucester's Kingsholm rugby stadium...

...passed Gloucester Cathedral...

...on through the historic docks...

...and around the outskirts of the City.

By the time we were about half way round the sky cleared and the sun came out. Well, they say the sun shines on the righteous :-)

After two hours of good exercise and good company Kev and I arrived back at Kingsholm for a pie and a pint and a lap of honour around the stadium.

Why is this man smiling? Is it because he's proud to have walked and raised money for a worthy cause...
or because he's just seen the following lovely ladies?

I am not a number I am a free man...
OK, I'm a number today.

I even got to watch my first rugby match, which was far more enjoyable than this strictly non-sports fan had expected. And Gloucester hammered Newport...

Cheers Kev! Same time next year?

Update: whilst I was otherwise occupied, Sophie hacked into my blog and added the tag "Hot Girls" to this post. The little minx. Luckily she didn't add the tag "Middle-aged men with beer-bellies".

Update 2: it turns out that James did the hacking, not Sophie. Little bugger etc. etc.


  1. Looks like you had a lovely day and a great time, too! =)

  2. Hi Mickey!
    We had a great day, thanks. I've known Kev since I was about 6 years old, I was his best man and he was mine, so we know we'll always get on fine and have a good time together.

    So, yeah, a great day, my first rugby match, and I raised £155 for the hospice - not sure of Kev's total yet. If they hold the walk again next year I'll definitely do it again, although I didn't think 10km ( about 6.2 miles ) was long enough, really...

  3. Nice! Sounds like a wonderful cause.
    Lovely cheerleaders as well:)

  4. Thanks, Matthew! The cheerleaders were definitely a highlight!
