Saturday 12 March 2011

The meaning of insignificance

First of all my apologies to anyone who's visited The Glass Walking-Stick recently only to find nothing much going on. A combination of tiredness, grim news of local cutbacks affecting James's education, and a general lack of inspiration has meant I haven't posted anything lately and my inner Jiminy Cricket has been trying to kick my arse back to the keyboard without much success.

On top of all this, the horrific news from Japan has been much in my thoughts for the last couple of days and it makes me feel that my usual delusional ramblings here are rendered even more pointless in the face of such a catastrophe. Judging by a post on Saranga's blog I'm not alone in thinking that way. I don't personally know anyone in Japan ( although I'm glad to hear that fellow blogger Momo is out of harm's way ) but it's hard to see how such terrible events are affecting people on the other side of the globe and then sit down and write self-indulgently about comics or some-such. It reminds me of that awful feeling of helplessness we all felt 10 years ago as we watched the Twin Towers fall.....

Anyway, I don't want to bring everyone down so hopefully I'll resume (ab)normal service soon. And, on that subject, I've got a question for all you lovely people out there:

What do YOU want to see at The Glass Walking-Stick?

I'm always interested in what people think of this blog and I love to receive comments and suggestions. So I'd really like to know if people are loving my movie and TV reviews, diggin' my mumblings about music ( also available on 15 Albums ) or just scratching their heads and wondering why I don't talk about
( choose your own topic ) instead. Or perhaps nobody gives a toss? Hopefully that's not the case ;-)

So, if you've got a burning desire to see me write about, I don't know, goats in biplanes or the philosophy of cheese, then give me the nod in the comments section below.

Anyway, to finish off this slightly schizophrenic post I'll just mention that tomorrow morning I'm taking part in the Men's Walk 2011, a sponsored 10km walk in aid of a local hospice. Hopefully I'll put some photos on here at a later date...


  1. The news from Japan has left me feeling rather drained. Like you, I don't know anyone there, but I don't think you have to have a personal connection to feel the enormity of it.

    As for blof topics, well goats in biplanes and cheese philosophy does sound rather entertaining! I like your lookback on old gigs myself.

  2. I felt the same way you did about watching the footage from Japan. What's next for this poor fragile little marble of ours? How can one person make a difference? I know I can fight my feelings of helplessness by continuing to write and post the things that I like and find interesting. If my stupid cat captions or showcasing of superhero art and interesting design gives someone a minute of happiness or distraction from an overwhelming feeling of helplessness then I am happy to do it. Everyone has to decide for themselves how they will make the world a better place. Trying to be a good person and developing my vision works for me right now. Never underestimate the value you might have by pursuing yours. I will post this comment on my blog now because YOU inspired me to do so and so take a second to think about my place on this planet. It may suck sometimes but it's the only one we got.

  3. "When times get tough it's time to get tough." It's bad out there and I feel so bad for the folks of Japan, I hope they rebuild quick and even better than before. As for your blog I do dig your movie reviews, keep 'em up!

    Lazarus Lupin
    art and review

  4. Saranga, Cal and Lazarus...

    Thank you for your comments and support, they're very much appreciated.

    Cal, I've left a longer message on your blog, mate.

  5. cheese philosophy we need more of that.

  6. There's a lot of debate between the hard and soft cheeses about their relative viewpoints, which makes "Fromage Filosophy" so entertaining...
    ...not to mention imaginary...

    Welcome on board, csmith. Love your Hobbes icon!

  7. I usually don't have a feeling of helplessness around natural disasters, because nature is such a huge power you just know you will never be able to fight it so you make peace with that fact ... What's going on Japan is horrible .. especially the thing around nuclear powerplants :(

    The last time I personally felt helpless was ten years ago when UK and USA killed children in my country dropping bombs on their heads for more than three months every day and every night. That's what makes me feel helpless - when people are their own biggest enemies. Unlike the case with the nature, I will never make my peace with human evilness.

    PS you should blog about every day topics and themes that occupy your mind ;)

  8. @Mickey: Cheese, cheese, cheese
    How much cheese can you handle?

    @Dez: Thanks for commenting, Dezzy! Everyday themes and topics have been in short supply here lately but I'll be posting some photos from my recent charity walk soon...
