Thursday 7 January 2010

Do you feel lovely, er, lucky...punk?

I'm grateful ( not to mention amazed! ) to have received a One Lovely Blog Award from super-cool blogger, Wiec?, overlord of When Is Evil Cool?, Random Picture Day and Doom Base. Phew! He's a busy guy! How he finds time for his world domination plans as well, I don't know!
Seriously, check out his blogs, they'll add an extra layer of awesomeness to your life :-)

As a recipient of this prestigious virtual award I'm supposed to pass it on to 15 worthy individuals who brighten up the blogosphere with their words of wisdom. That's a tall order, as I Follow so many great blogs and I'd hate to upset anyone I leave off the list. Suffice it to say, the following 15 are some of the most interesting, diverse and just plain cool blogs around, and if I did leave you out - I still love ya!

I'd like to nominate the following bloggers/blogs for the One Lovely Blog Award:
( Drumroll please..... )

OK, as you can see, I've linked to these blogs' web addresses. Now, I'm not the most internet-literate blogger around these 'ere parts so, although most people would just change the link to an underlined title or a word e.g. "here", I don't know how to do that. Something to do with html I should imagine. If anyone wants to help out an old dinosaur such as myself, any tech advice would be appreciated.

Once again, thanks be to wiec? and to all a good night.....

Soundtrack: Lungs by Florence & The Machine


  1. well deserved cerebus!

    have a nice weekend and thanks for the support.

  2. to change a url to a link in your post you need to first write out the word you need to act as the link, e,g, 'here' or 'wiec?' then if you look on the tool bar at the top of the new post window, you will see something saying 'link' (next to the bit you use to insert a picture).
    hiughlight the word you want to act as the link, click on link - you get a new window coming up - paste the url you want to link to in there. et voila.

    of course that's with the new updated blogger (by new I mean updated at least 8 months ago), but with the old one it was a similar process. just look through the buttons on the toolbar.

  3. @ wiec? No problem, mate.

    @ Saranga - Thanks for the advice, much appreciated. Now I'm gonna go link-crazy!!

  4. Thanx! And so many of my personal favorite blogs you nominate also! We have similar tastes.

  5. Well done you, and thanks a lot fella! So cool of you.

  6. Cerebus- Glad to have stumbled across your site! Never know what to expect, and that's cool.

  7. Dude, thanks for the nomination - looks like I have my work cut out for me now. =)

  8. How did I miss this one??? Thank you kindly, squire - I'll have to check out my fellow lucky recipients...

  9. Hey, everybody - thanks for your kind words! Keep bloggin' in 2010!
