Saturday 6 May 2023

Happy National Sycophant's Day

 #know your place





  1. You're not a big fan of the monarchy then, Simon?

    As a citizen of a republic, I have to say the thing that makes me laugh the most is all the stuff you read and hear in Britain about how any alternative to a hereditary head of state just couldn't possibly work... even though there are plenty of countries where it obviously does!


  2. What gave you that impression Sean? ;-)

    I usually like to keep things positive around this ol' blog but the whole coronation frenzy and unthinking flag-waving prompted me to have a bit of a whinge. I honestly think the UK will never drag itself out of this regressive, cap-doffing mode of thinking without first divesting ourselves of the monarchy. This whole top-down, "know your place" society - in which blue bloods and old Etonians can seemingly get away with anything - needs an overhaul or we'll carry on being led by absolute chancers and parasites. I doubt if it will happen in my lifetime, as anti-monarchist voices are constantly side-lined and ridiculed, but my kids may see a change. Fingers crossed.

    And, you're right, the argument you've mentioned doesn't hold much water, does it? A bloke I know always uses the "Would you want President Blair?" as his argument for a hereditary monarchy. Maybe I wouldn't... but at least I could try to vote him out. I didn't vote for Charles...

    Er, rant over :-)

  3. Love that Private Eye cover. I just don't get folks fascination with the British Royal family, very strange though not as strange as the fact that the Peoples Friend is still being published

  4. Guess which one of those two publications I bought? ;-)

    At least the fact The People's Friend is still being published shows there's still a *tiny* market for magazine fiction left in the UK.

  5. No worries, Simon - hey, if you can't rant on your own blog where can you do it?
    And anyway, it seemed quite reasonable to me.

