Saturday 9 May 2020

Lockdown shelf porn ( not *actual* porn )

During this lockdown we've all become accustomed to seeing newsreaders, celebrities and the like on our televisions, broadcasting from their homes, often with some ostentatiously-positioned books on their bookshelves behind them. These bookshelves often look unbelievably tidy and organised and, in reaction, some ( ordinary ) people have taken to posting photos of their untidy, un-posed shelves too. Never one to miss a pointless trend, I've jumped on the shelf porn bandwagon and so here are just some of my books, with some random Doctor Who DVDs thrown in as a bonus.
Can you spot any of your favourites?


  1. The Bowie frames cards look cool, as do the Spirit colour books and SF masterworks novels. I'll need to sort my books etc out soon as most are in boxes.

  2. The Bowie collection was a present from my daughter a couple of years back and I was very pleased to receive it. The Spirit books are lovely - I've just been re-reading these, absolute classic stuff from Will Eisner. The SF Masterworks are a great collection although I must admit I only keep a couple of those ( the Niven and Silverberg ) because they look good on the shelf with the rest - didn't enjoy them too much.
