Saturday 6 April 2019

And now, here's that absolute bell-end Jacob Rees-Mogg on Brexit:

If a long extension leaves us stuck in the EU we should be as difficult as possible. We could veto any increase in the budget, obstruct the putative EU army and block Mr Macron’s integrationist schemes.


  1. I'm not political, but is it as simple as you suggest? The UK might be able to veto policies that the EU want to introduce, but it works both ways. That means that the EU could veto policies that Britain wanted to introduce, thus preventing things we believe would be good for our country. It's because of the latter rather than the former that the majority voted to leave - so that we could control our own destiny. Isn't it?

  2. Yes, but we elect MEPs to represent us and our interests in Europe. If they have issues with legislation in the European Parliament it's their job to fight our corner, make deals, compromise - you know, all the stuff they're actually paid to do. The fact that we in this country have habitually paid little attention to European elections means we've elected by default xenophobic goons like Farage who have done nothing but feather their own nests and irritate our supposed allies.

    As far as I can see, being a part of the EU has helped the UK immeasurably - especially in terms of safety in the workplace, safeguards for our environment, protecting our human rights, and other issues our own governments have often ignored. We're now in the process of throwing away any advances we've made in the last 40 odd years ( some very odd! ) for some misty-eyed vision of a forgotten Albion...

  3. Mogg and the ERG are going to ruin this country if they get their way and we crash out with a no deal. The whole thing just beggars believe.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Just because we're leaving the EU (maybe) doesn't necessarily mean that all the 'benefits' you speak of will be automatically rescinded, because it's very hard to put the genie back in the bottle. One of the drawbacks of immigration is that when people from other countries come over here, they bring with them bad things about their cultures as well as the good. Muslims openly slaughtering a sheep in a front garden in England being but one example, Sharia law being allowed to take precedence over UK law among Islamic communities in parts of Britain. Other nationalities bring over their feuds amongst themselves and others, and their crime groups also set up camp. Now, I'm not suggesting for one moment that all foreigners (for want of a better word) are criminals, but there are disadvantages (as well as advantages) to a multicultural society.

    Now, you may be thinking at this point that I'm a Xenophobe, but I'm not. There are aspects of UK culture that I detest, such as the drink culture in Glasgow (and other parts of Britain), and the increasing decline in television standards when it comes to portraying sex and swearing. So we can now hear people say 'c**t' on TV - yahoo, what an advance, the world's a better place, eh? So what I'm saying is that I hate us as well as everybody else (little joke there). Incidentally, all these rights in the workplace you allude to haven't stopped zero-hour contracts, have they?

    By the way, I never voted in the referendum and can see good points made on both sides, but also quite a few bad ones. I don't think the answer is as simple as either side would have us believe, but being in charge of our own borders isn't necessarily a bad thing.

    I strongly suspect that the remainer politicians have been actively working to sabotage us leaving the EU, and if so, they're working against the will of the majority. Hardly a good thing for a supposedly democratic country, is it?

  6. I voted remain and am under no illusions that leaving will be very bad for trade and jobs, something even Brexiters say will happen ( albeit they think it will be bad for only 2 years or so duh well thats ok then) but I agree the vote was leave so we should leave but its the extreme Brexiteers that are causing the problems they want to leave with no deal and are blocking any progress. If we go on WTO terms there will be chaos. I'm not commenting on you comments on immigrants as the majority are great people and thats where it should be left and as you say every race etc has issues.

  7. Well, I think the remainers are just as bad - or worse, PM, because they DON'T want to leave and are blocking progress too so that they can ultimately get their own way. I don't personally know the majority of immigrants, so therefore couldn't say if they're great people or not, but with some of them, their values are not the same as ours. (In the way they regard and treat women, etc.) Yes, we all have our own issues, but when you mix all those issues together, that's not necessarily a good 'recipe' for the future. Just saying.

  8. If the Tory Brexiteers had voted with Theresa May Kid , then her paper would have passed months ago, instead she was dealt the worst Parliamentary defeat in history for her bill . And I referred to ERG type Brexiteers(Boris Johnston , Mogg etc) at were holding things up (not all of them ) and for their own political gain. Of course some immigrants values are not in line with ours but many are and immigrants have been core to the NHS, have helped UK achieve sporting success, have done work UK nationals refuse to do, opened business etc its nothing to do with knowing them personally (sarky git lol)I just decided to focus on that aspect the positives outweigh the negatives ( which does not mean I am not aware of issues which need stamped out but don't through the baby out with the bathwater) .

  9. Yes, but apparently, TM's paper would not have delivered the Brexit people voted for (according to people like Mogg, etc.), which is why they didn't vote for it. They've ALL made a mess of it, but the Remainers have been deliberately trying to sabotage it so that they can get another referendum, in the hope that folks are so fed up with the mess, they'll vote remain instead of leave.

    I also think the NHS aspect of immigration is exaggerated (people have died because some doctors can't speak English properly), the sporting bit is hardly an argument (sport? C'mon, sport is trivial), and the reason that UK nationals won't do certain jobs is because they don't pay enough; immigrants will work for less, which affects the pay levels of 'indigenous' residents.

    By the way, I have nothing against people (or families) emigrating here on an individual level, but when they refuse to integrate and set up immigrant ghettos, demand their own laws and faith schools, follow their own customs when they're at odds with our own, then we're storing up trouble for the future.

    So what I'm saying is that I'm not convinced that the positives outweigh the negatives, though it's certainly sold that way. (Me sarky? Whatever can you mean?)

  10. Your entitled to your opinions Kid. Im not responding to them as I disagree with most of them, I'm not ignoring them I just see no point in a back and forth as we both won't change our views.

  11. Are you saying that your views are inflexible, PM? Personally speaking, I'm always prepared to change mine in the light of new information - IF new info is convincing enough. As an example, I was once prepared to allow for the possibility of the Plenary Inspiration of Scripture, but I've drifted away from the idea. See? I can change my views. Some people form their opinions based on what they feel in their hearts, others their heads. I'm more the latter kind.

  12. No I'm only saying I'm not prepared to keep a back and forth going on this with you. I've said my bit why go on and on. I do not derive Brexiteerd opinions.

  13. For the pleasure of intellectual stimulation perhaps? And I'm sure you've noticed that I haven't derided Remainer opinions. (I assume 'deride' was the word you meant.) However, it IS quite a boring subject so therefore has limited possibilities. Let's blame Cer - he started it. (The discussion, not Brexit.)

  14. Sorry that's what I meant and thought I had typed out.

  15. Thanks for the comments, guys. Did you notice how I acted in the best, cowardly traditions of David Cameron, Nigel Farage etc. by throwing a blog-shaped grenade into the room and then legging it when the comments arrived? Phew! Just made it out...

    Some valid points on all sides here with the upshot being nobody has a clue how this will all pan out, least of all the politicians. I obviously voted Remain but was prepared to bow to the will of the majority ( well, a majority of the 17% of the population who actually voted ) until the scale of the lies and actual illegal activity of the Leave campaign became apparent. Surely we can't make such a momentous decision based on absolute bullshit? Oh, hang on... isn't that how democracy usually works?

    We're clearly not going to solve this issue in the humble comments section of a barely-noticed blog but here's hoping that the final result of Brexshit isn't as bad as it looks to be at the moment...

  16. I think there were lies on both sides, Cer, and the fact that some Political Remainers have conspired to sabotage Brexit could surely be considered immoral if not actually illegal. However, if denying the democratic will of the people isn't illegal, it should be. Was it only 17% that voted? I thought it had one of the biggest turnouts in recent history?
