Saturday 15 September 2018

Blade Runner by Sean Phillips

Here's the signed Blade Runner print I bought from the wonderful Sean Phillips at NICE Convention a couple of weeks back. Isn't it a beauty?

Check out Sean's website below for more amazing artwork:


  1. Hey Simon. I'm ashamed to say I STILL haven't seen Blade Runner! Actually, I might watch it tonight! Lovely print. It's going to look great in a nice frame.

  2. Darn that guy! He gets everywhere! Sean's biggest seller of the weekend, by the way.
    "Maybe I should've brought more copies of that one..." Ya think, Philbo??

  3. @Tom
    Yes, you really should watch Blade Runner. And then watch Blade Runner 2049. It may be heresy but I think the sequel may be even better than the original...

    I was hanging round Sean's table late in the afternoon and heard him say to another punter that he only had 3 or 4 copies left... so I snapped it up!
