Tuesday 28 August 2018

Kirby 101

Happy birthday to the late, great King of Comics  -  the incomparable Jack Kirby!


  1. It begins and ends with Kirby. More talent in his little finger than any ten artists you choose. He is called the King for a reason.

  2. Actually, he's called the King because Stan Lee crowned him so. Superb visual storyteller, anatomy a bit wonky, wouldn't say he's better than any 10 artists. At the top of his game he was great though. (His later stuff was a bit iffy.)

    Cer, if you don't have it yet, buy the FF #1 facsimile edition - it's a 'must-have'.

  3. Guys, thanks for the comments.

    There's definitely a "cult of personality" that's grown up around Kirby ( mostly thanks to Stan, ironically enough ) and, yes, he had his weaknesses ( don't we all? ) but I think his status is well-earned, mostly due to his phenomenal work ethic and over-abundance of successful ideas and concepts.
