Wednesday 4 July 2018

Happy Birthday America!

Dear America,

Whilst you're living through Trumpocalypse Now! it's always worth remembering that your great country has been better, can be better, will be better than this. Have a great 4th of July!

Love and best wishes for a brighter, saner, more tolerant future for us all,
Your friends across the Pond x


  1. I you want to copy my blog's pics of the covers of Cap's Bicentennial Battles to add to your post, Cer, feel free.

  2. Our country has never been in better hands in recent history, thank you very much. Obama has been the WORST president in our history, so get your facts straight.

  3. In the same way that Trump gets his facts straight? That hasn't happened yet, has it? I must've blinked.

  4. I think you are confusing your usual drunk state of being with a blinking. Just sayin'...

  5. As a lifelong teetotaler I've never been drunk, so you're being factually inaccurate - just like your president. However, your stereotypical, racist comment would no doubt make him proud. Have a nice day now.
