Monday 28 August 2017

Post number 900 ( Randomiser XIV )

I thought I'd revive the rollicking, rambunctious Randomiser for this 900th edition post ( basically just a whole load of unrelated images from TGW-S's digital dungeons ) and, of course, I'll start with some Jack Kirby because it would have been the King Of Comics' 100th birthday today. Let's get random!

( Images two and three are for Calvin Heighton, Canadian Caption King of the World )
Hero and Jasper in a rare moment of peace and quiet...
...and Nick Fury failing to achieve similar harmony.
A sunny day in Bournemouth

Bruce and Steve
Ballade by Moebius

Of course, there had to be some photos from Cornwall here...
Les Dandy Warhols...
RIP Brian Aldiss...
Cheers everyone! Thanks for tuning in to the randomness...