Wednesday 22 March 2017

Says it all, really...


  1. No, no, but the people WE'RE killing aren't actually human.
    Yeah, just say that back to yourself. And say it again. And again.

  2. Sadly, PD, terrorists don't qualify as human in my book. They're lunatic fanatics who just want to kill anyone who doesn't see things their way. Seems to me that they love killing for the sake of it. Innocent 'civilians' are a different matter of course, and their deaths are always regrettable. If only we (everyone) could really 'give peace a chance'.

  3. Perhaps killing the naughty killers only to the point of a near death experience - then bring them back. Then do it again and again. When you get board, let the terrorist live - but bolt a rotting corpse to his neck yo carry all the way over the finish line. Then shoot him in the head with a paintball (red) gun. scare tactics gone right. Honestly, there are so many conservative and analog crazy going on I'm sure I could be a tad dodgy. Love Ras Steyn (South African Abstract Surrealist).
