Saturday 12 March 2016

Save the NHS

Three years ago this week I was finishing my last week of radiotherapy at Cheltenham General Hospital.Today I marched through Cheltenham in support of the NHS in general and junior doctors in particular. The NHS has helped all of us*, has touched all our lives, whether we realise it or not. Don't let the Tory profiteers degrade and dismantle this wonderful British institution. Stand up and be counted!

*Obviously this applies to UK readers of this 'ere blog :-)

Check out the links below for more info on the people who are trying to destroy OUR national health service and the people who are trying to preserve it:


  1. I'm not partisan when it comes to politics, but what annoys me in particular is rich politicians making decisions which adversely affect the poor, the sick and the most needy in society. If they need to make savings, why not cut their own wages and give up the perks? Of course the b*st*rds don't care about the NHS, because they're all with BUPA.

  2. Even as a non-UK reader of this blog 'ere, I can safely say the NHS has helped me a great taking care of all my British friends, not to mention the Americans and Canadians and others I've known who required emergency medical help while visiting or living in Britain. So yeah, they've done a great deal for me as well and what these tossers are doing is reprehensible.

    (And entirely in line with standard Tory operating procedure: take something built up over many decades with public money and sell it off for private profit, which is called "stealing" on both sides of the pond.)

  3. @Kid
    And one of the worst things about all this is that the previous Blair / Brown "Labour" governments were just as culpable. Bastards indeed...

    It's always a pleasure to read your comments on all matters UK. It's a happy reminder that not all Americans are as insular and ignorant of world affairs as they're often portrayed. And you're spot on about Tory SOP - they did the same to the coal and steel industries in this country back in the dark days of the 80's and now they want to sell off chunks of the NHS to the likes of Virgin Care. Scary times.

  4. I don't deserve the compliment. I lived in the UK in the Eighties, so I picked up bits and pieces about the political situation then, but I'm as ignorant as they come about the rest of the world. I couldn't even tell you what part of Canada the Vatican is in. Must be somewhere around Tijuana, right? I'd ask my Canadian friends but for some reason they don't talk to me anymore, not even when I speak in Canadese.

  5. Don't be so modest! You deserve recognition just for the word "Canadese" :-)

  6. A very noble and worthy cause!
