Thursday 14 January 2016

Alan Rickman

This has been one hell of a week for bad news  -  first the shock announcement of David Bowie's death, and now the world has lost another talented and much-loved entertainer, the actor and director Alan Rickman. At the risk of turning this 'ere blog into Obituary Corner, I just wanted to say how saddened I am by this and how much I'll miss this highly talented man who could always lend some class to any project he was involved in. ( Sarah is a big fan of his too and was really upset. ) Whenever I think of Rickman, as I obviously have today, I always go back to his breakout performance as the silkily evil Hans Gruber in Die Hard. Rickman wrote the Hollywood rulebook here for "Brit actor plays European villain" and created a truly iconic role.
Of course, he went on to phenomenal success as antihero wizard Severus Snape in the Harry Potter films but he had a hell of an acting range and was fantastic in such diverse movies as A Little Chaos, Snowcake, Sense And Sensibility and the outrageous Dogma...
RIP Alan Rickman
21st February 1946 / 14th January 2016


  1. "Give him a big hand...he's British!"

  2. Same age, same disease....
    He was a brilliant villain!
    ....and now Dan ( Grizzly Adams ) Haggerty.
    Please put your sythe away, Mr. Reaper!

  3. Was watching "The Butler" on DVD at the weekend (a truly amazing film) and Alan Rickman played Ronald Reagan showing just how versatile and good an actor he was - another person like Bowie etc that will be sorely missed by a lot of folk (they may just not know it yet).

  4. @Kid
    I really need to see Galaxy Quest again.

    The Reaper has been working overtime lately, hasn't he?

    I'd completely forgotten that Rickman had played Reagan. As you say, it shows the man's often-overlooked versatility. Have you ever seen a film called Snowcake? It's a low-key, poignant movie about grief and guilt that is a lot funnier than you'd expect and features wonderful performances from Rickman and Sigourney Weaver. Well worth checking out.

    1. The bastard ignored my plea and has taken Glen Frey now!

  5. Hi , No I have not seen "Snowcake" it sounds interesting and I also like Sigourney Weaver so will look that one out, thanks. Yeah really sad news about Glen Frey as well John , it has not been a good end to 2015 and start to 2016.
