Saturday 14 November 2015

Thinking of the people of Paris today...


  1. I don't even understand what the terrorists have got against the French anyway?

  2. Well, the main thing here is that Isis / IS / whatever they're called this week hate the West in general, and causing chaos and fear amongst ANY Western populace is a success in their eyes. And it's a bonus when the French see themselves as standard bearers of liberty and freedom - qualities these Jihadists despise. Of course, digging a little deeper here, the French have made some poor decisions both at home and abroad when it comes to certain fundamentalist Muslim communities and may have pushed fence-sitting radicals a bit further towards terrorism. Not that there's any excuse for the obscene and cowardly attacks of the last week - apparently there's another situation developing in northern France even now... :-(

  3. ....and I thought they still had a beef about Charlie Hebdo!
