Wednesday 21 October 2015

Great Scott!

It's 21st October 2015  -  the day Marty McFly went Back To The Future...

See... he can't believe it either...


  1. Shame it's about to be sullied by that awful idiot, Lemon!
    Am I the only person go find him not only unfunny, but totally disgusting in both his incarnations?

  2. No, I'm not a fan either. Sarah recorded that programme but she'll be watching it on her own :-)

  3. Cerebus! :) It's been a long time...hope you and your family are doing well! IDK this Back to the Future stuff is all over Tumblr. I've only actually seen the installment with Mary Steenburgen because Mary Steenburgen and all.

  4. Mickey! Great to hear from you. It has indeed been a long time :-)

    We are all well, thanks. Sarah has had some health problems this year ( nothing major, thankfully )and has been off work for months but has recently gone back and is much happier now. The kids are doing fine - Sophie moved out last year and is loving her new life in Bristol.

    How are you? Hope all is well. Keep in touch... and please call me Simon... I should never have started that whole "cerebus660" thing :-)
