Saturday 4 July 2015

Happy 4th of July!

Best Wishes to all of The Glass Walking-Stick's friends on the other side of t'Pond...


  1. Jack's portrait of the two Captains does it to me every time.

    (The original Captain Britain costume was unpopular in some quarters -- including original series artist Herb Trimpe, who disliked it intensely -- but I always dug it.)

    Anyway, here's to an American researcher at DARPA inventing the Internet and a computer scientist from London inventing the World Wide Web, the combination of which led to Brits and Yanks being able to stay in touch and share common interests on a daily basis. It's enriched our lives, no fooling!

  2. As a young kid at the time I was very excited when Captain Britain first appeared: our OWN superhero at last! Unfortunately the original take on Cap Brit soon lost its appeal as it became a weak copy of Spider-Man and it was painfully obvious that the American creators had no real affinity for British culture. Various reboots of the character over the years have been very hit and miss, with the Alan Moore / Alan Davis version probably being the best. I did like the original costume although I thought the colour scheme needed a bit more variety - too much red! Where was the white and blue? :-)

    Good point about t'internet, Richard. It really can be a wonderful thing. I was just having this conversation with my daughter the other day. People can be very negative about the net but it is a fantastic source of information ( and disinformation ), a huge resource of entertainment and a powerful tool ( ooh, er! ) for communication. And Tim Berners-Lee gave the idea of the WWW to the world for free! Top man!

    It's good to hear from you, Richard, and I hope you had / are having ( not sure of the time difference ) an amazing Independence Day!

  3. It's still happening as we speak, and I'm avoiding shark attacks -- well actually, I'm avoiding the hordes of tourists who overrun my neighborhood every July Fourth -- by relaxing at home with old issues of Captain Carrot and his Amazing Zoo Crew before heading out to see the fireworks this evening. Perhaps not some people's idea of "amazing" but that series was great!

  4. Captain Carrot? You know how to have a good time, don't you? :-)
