Tuesday 9 June 2015

Calvin, King of the Cat Captions

Just a quick shout-out to my good friend Calvin, of Canadian Cave Of Cool fame. He is THE master of clever, witty captions and I always love to see what he does with photos of our cats. Here is Jasper, photographed by Sophie a couple of days ago when she came home for the weekend. Sophie posted this on her Facebook page and said "Don't know why my cat was being seductive..." The mind boggles! Calvin, of course, turned this ridiculous picture into comedy gold. If you're reading ( or even, who knows, Following ) this 'ere blog you probably already know about the Cave Of Cool  -  it really is a wonderful place to visit. Calvin has recently, incredibly, passed the 5 million page views mark. That's some achievement! If you have some time to spare, Dear Reader, please drop in on the Cave and soak up some of the awesomeness there. And tell Calvin that cerebus660 sent you :-)

Soundtrack: De Stijl by the White Stripes

 ( And here's Jasper again, chilling out on his 6th birthday last week. )


  1. Thanks for that validation my brother. I always know a fine cat muse when I see one.

  2. No problem, mate. I don't know if Jasper's a muse... but he certainly "mews" :-)
