Thursday 19 March 2015

What he said...

I can't really believe it, but it was two years ago today that I finished my radiotherapy treatment. It was a very short, but very intense period in my life  -  four weeks of intensive, high-dosage treatment to ( hopefully ) destroy a rare kind of blood cancer called plasmacytoma. This all left me feeling far weaker than I'd expected and suffering from some nasty side effects but with time and support from my wonderful family and friends I got through it. The quote and photo above from Ang Lee's fantastic Life Of Pi really resonated with me at the time  -  above all, don't lose hope...


  1. And long may your good health continue, Simon.

  2. John, Cal... thanks for the kind words, guys. And, as ever, thanks for supporting this humble blog. It really is much appreciated.

  3. Glad it all worked out for you, having the strength of mind helps

  4. Thanks Joanne. It's always good to hear from you.
    I can't really claim any real strength although I did try to stay as positive as I could throughout. In those situations you just have to get on with it and hope for the best, really.

  5. Hope it's an easier ride from now on for you, Cer. Excelsior!

  6. Thanks Kid :-)
    And thanks for all your support for this 'ere blog...
