Saturday 3 January 2015

Post no. 800: Welcoming a New Year and looking back at the old one...

I don't know... two days into 2015 and I still haven't got my hoverboard yet. It's a disaster!
OK, that's the obligatory Back To The Future / hoverboard reference out of the way. It had to be done. Hopefully the year people are already calling "not 2014" will be memorable for more than failed predictions from a 1980s movie...
So, what's been going down in Groove Town lately? Things have obviously been quiet here recently on the blogging front, due to my complete lack of energy / inspiration / commitment ( delete as applicable ) and the intrusion of a certain holiday season but I hope to put that right and resume more regular blogging. ( I know, Dear Reader, that you've heard all this before... but, it's a new year  -  you can't begrudge a blogger some good intentions can you? Can you...? I recently read a fascinating post on blogging over at Kid Robson's ever-wonderful Crivens! which made me stop and think about what I'm doing here and why. No real conclusions as yet but it certainly got me thinking. Watch this space. ) Where was I? Oh yeah... Christmas...
We had a pretty good Christmas ( thanks for asking ) although Sarah has been ill and that's limited us somewhat, but we made the best of it. Here she is, relaxing in our gracious drawing-room, politely ignoring the fact that the servants have dropped straw all over the carpet yet again. You just can't get the staff. ( I know I posted this photo last time, but I like it... ) Sophie also came home for a couple of days over Christmas, so it was good for us all to be together on Christmas Day. After the usual presents and food shenanigans we all went out for a walk in the afternoon. It was a lovely, cold, bright day and we wandered around Gloucester's beautiful Cathedral...
Here are Sophie and I in the Cathedral's courtyard...
And here are Sophie and James being their usual quiet, reserved selves back at home...

I've still got some unfinished business with 2014 ( blog-wise ) so expect more posts looking back at the year of Ice Bucket Challenges and gun-toting space raccoons...


  1. I could hear my name calling to me, so here I am. Thanks for the plug. I may start using these kind of unsolicited testimonials like they do on film posters and on the back of books. Hope your wife gets better soon and that you find the energy to keep blogging. My energy levels are dreadfully low at the moment, which is why quite a few of my posts are of little consequence, with only the occasional meaningful one. (I'm not talking about the comics I feature, only the often uninspired text I write that accompanies them.) I must try harder. Have a great 2015.

  2. Congrats, Simon, on the landmark post - high energy, low energy... that's quite an accomplishment.

    Be well - everyone!


  3. Kid, Doug... thanks guys! I really do appreciate your support of TGWS, especially from such talented bloggers. I'm having yet another crisis of confidence over the lack of interest / comments here and I sometimes wonder if I'm just talking to myself, so it's heartening to get such positive feedback. Thanks again! Best wishes to you both for 2015.

  4. A week late, ( sorry! ), but add my congratulations on your 800th post and I hope Sarah's much better by now. Don't get disheartened, you're definitely NOT talking to yourself on EITHER blog!

  5. Thanks John. No need to apologise - any feedback / comments are very welcome. Sarah is getting better, thanks, but still not 100 percent. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a great 2015, mate!
