Monday 15 September 2014

Listen... later...

Apologies to anyone expecting this week's Doctor Who review to appear on time. As frequently happens, the "real" world has had to take precedence. We've spent the last three days moving Sophie to her new student digs down in Bristol. Why three days? Well, we did the bulk of the work on Saturday and it all seemed to go very well... at first. She rang to say she had a bug problem in her apartment on Saturday night, which we assumed to be typical teenage overstatement. It actually turned out to be a ( minor ) cockroach infestation. Not nice. We had to move her back out on Sunday, which was a huge pain in the arse, to prepare for the place to be treated by the pest control bods. To be fair to the letting agency's staff, they were mortified by this and paid for her to spend two nights in a nearby hotel while it was being sorted. She should be back in her apartment tomorrow morning. Phew! So, my review of Listen will follow soon, probably after I've watched the episode again...

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