Tuesday 29 April 2014

I'm still alive...

...but still having computer problems. Hopefully normal service ( whatever that is ) will resume shortly. Until then hang loose, keep the faith, don't give up hope, be kind to each other, be kind to yourself, don't eat yellow snow etc. etc.


  1. Best news I've had all day, Simon!


  2. Seconded! Well, except for the computer problems part. Get those sorted out!

  3. It's nice to know you're still with us, Simon.

  4. Thanks for the kind words gentlemen, much appreciated. Hopefully I'll be back on blog duty soon. Thanks for stopping by. And you stay classy, San Diego...
    ...sorry, I seemed to turn into Ron Burgundy for a moment there...

  5. Cuh...doesn't the silver surfer go on? Just phone your IT dept. chrome dome...

  6. That's the surfer, not yerself, C, obviously!

  7. He was a bit of a moaner, wasn't he? That's why I loved the Steve Engelhart / Marshall Rogers run on Silver Surfer when there was less whining and more cosmic adventure. Seems a long time ago now...
    Incidentally, it's great to see you back, Pete!

  8. Yellow snow's okay, I've been told - as long as you add the colouring yourself. Looking forward to your next post.

  9. Thanks Kid! I'm looking forward to it myself :-)

    I'm still without a working PC so just using my daughter's laptop as and when it's available. I've got loads of posts in mind on music, movies, comics... you know, the usual stuff...

    I hope to be back here very soon. Nuff said!
