Saturday 15 December 2012

Another year older, if not necessarily wiser

Thankfully my birthday and Christmas presents haven't been combined, but then my birthday and Jesus's are separated by 11 days, which isn't too bad. It is a bit of a pain to have a birthday at this time of year with the weather tending to be so grotty  -  I'm always saying I should move it to June.

Anyway, I've had a great 46th Birthday, despite the rain and there being an over-abundance of dickheads on the roads today. I've had some pretty cool presents ( Doctor Who Series 7a and Amazing Spider-Man on Blu-Ray as well as the standard pants, socks, booze etc. ), had a good afternoon Christmas shopping and coffee-drinking with Sarah and Sophie... and then went to see The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey tonight with Sarah and James. Excellent film! ( Didn't expect anything less from Mr. Peter Jackson ) Review, as ever, to follow...
( Yeah, like all those films I saw this year that I haven't reviewed yet, including the latest about a certain Mr. Bond. I definitely need to play catch up soon.)

Oh, and thanks to the lovely Joanne Casey of I Have Seen The Whole Of The Internet fame for sending me the above card...


  1. If you and Jesus were born eleven days apart, I've got to say: you look great for your age. He on the other hand has really let himself go. After the first thousand years or so it just gets harder to care about keeping in shape, I suppose. Kudos to you!

    And, kidding aside, congratulations.

  2. Richard, I moisturise... that's the secret :-)

    Thanks for the kind wishes, mate. Always good to hear from you.

  3. Ha! Mine's 19 days the other way, so anything I didn't get for Christmas I out on my birthday list and clean up!

    Happy Birthday, Cerebus!

  4. Cool!

    Thanks for the kind wishes, Mike, both here and on F/Book.

  5. Happy errrrmmm, belated Birthday, my friend. I hope it was wonderful and grand and full of good things. Wait, I hope your Christmas is the same!

    Merry Christmas from sunny southern California, where people were out wearing shorts and Santa hats yesterday...

  6. Thanks, Michelle! Good to hear from you. Hope you have a great Christmas, too. Very envious to hear about Californian sunshine ;-)
