Tuesday 18 September 2012

I'm back...did you notice I'd been away?

We've finally had our PC fixed so I might be able to get back to whatever passes for normal around these 'ere parts. I'm very conscious of the fact that I'm two weeks behind on the Doctor Who reviews
( I know, I know... no-one's forcing me to write this stuff, but I do feel like some kind of slacker ) and I also have a handful of film and gig reviews and totally self-indulgent holiday snaps to post as well. For now, here's some assorted randomness...


  1. Cheers, mate! I didn't go very far away :-)
    It's just been a struggle blogging recently, especially with the PC out of action. I have managed a couple of posts, using my daughter's netbook, for which there's been a bit of a queue lately :-)but I don't really get on with it too well...
