Sunday 6 May 2012

London locations


  1. A couple of those things didn't even exist yet last time I was in London...but I tell you, I still love the BT Tower with a crazy passion. What can I say, it's the groovy Swinging Sixties aficionado in me. I mean, The War Machines! Smashing Time! Kitten Kong!

    Ah well, at least I get to enjoy the sights vicariously through your snaps.

  2. None of that stuff existed the last time I was in London (apart from the Thames). They seemed to be renovating the whole city though. Something about a bunch of bombs that Germany dropped on them.

    I`m kidding. It wasn`t that long ago, (although it feels like it).

  3. Thanks for commenting, guys!

    I know what you mean about the BT Tower - it's such an iconic part of the London skyline. ( Even though I'm old enough to still think of it as the Post Office Tower... )
    We were pleasantly surprised to find it was only a stone's-throw away from our hotel.
    No sign of Kitten Kong, though...

    I didn't think you were that old, LOL!
    As my mate Glenn and I were saying when we were there, there's always something new going on in London. The giant purple cow, for example,was part of a festival called Udderbelly (!), sponsored by the TV channel E4 and Magner's cider ( hic! ), which will itself be replaced by another festival soon, in its constantly rotating arts space on the South Bank...

  4. I actually edited out a comment I was going to make about how I still always think of it as the Post Office Tower even though it wasn't called that anymore when I first saw it in person. I'd expect most anyone our age would still know it by that name...well, except that it's completely unknown to most Americans.

  5. Well, let's just congratulate ourselves on spreading a little enlightenment here...

    I can't count the amount of times I was nearly run over in London because I was doing the standard peasant-in-the-big-city thing of looking up and thinking "look at all the cool buildings"... and not watching the road...

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I have fond memories of London, having visited it every week for about 2 years when I freelanced for IPC. I was last there in December 1987 - which only seems like a few months back, but was actually almost 25 years ago. I'd imagine there's been a few changes since then. (25 years? It's surely not possible.)

  8. Hi Kid! I was actually in London in November '87, showing my new girlfriend the sights... you know, Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace, Forbidden Planet...
    It does seem impossible that it's 25 years ago... and that we're still together even after I dragged her around dodgy comic shops in search of Watchmen...

  9. I'm a sucker for Porticullis House, and really the entire area of Southbank/Westminster, to be honest.

  10. That *is* what area's called, right? Or have I forgotten more than I'd like to admit in the past five years? (waits with bated breath) ;-)

  11. It's certainly a lovely part of the city. I didn't take too many photos this time because I only went to London a couple of years ago and pretty much covered that area... including Portcullis House as seen here:

    I actually got to look through the windows and saw inside to the beautiful atrium at Portcullis House. You can go on guided trips of the building so maybe one day...
