Thursday 31 May 2012

Listen to Darth...

"I find your lack of comments disturbing..."


  1. Hello. :)

    Admittedly, that wasn't much of a comment but it does at least reassure you there's someone out there.

    PS. Nice to see Google have managed to make the comments Captcha even worse. Now it's a combination of impenetrable text and a blurry photo.

  2. Thanks guys! You're both gentlemen and scholars... and acrobats? ( Or was that the Pink Panther? )
    It can seem a bit lonely here in the Blogosphere at times, so it's great to have a little feedback. And if I haven't commented on your lovely blogs nearly enough, then just call me a hypocrite and give me a kick up the rear :-)

    I know what you mean! 'Tis a pain in the arse...

    You know you love F/Book really! BTW your latest Harvest pics look very disturbing... but cool!

  3. Just because we can't be bothered to write anything doesn't mean we're not reading your stuff. And there's so much stuff to read these days, what with The Glass Walking Stick, Film Club, Louder Than War etc.

    ps Going to that Kingsway Park Festival on Sunday?

  4. I know! My ill-informed rantings are spreading across t'internet like some kind of virtual STD :-)

    I might be going to the Kingsway thing as the Last Jubilee has just been cancelled.. bugger!

    Will have to speak to you on F/Book...

  5. I'm here. I don't always say something but I'm usually lurking around. Just look for the wide fellow with a distracted look and his nose in a book trying to look inconspicuous, that'll probably be me.

    Plus it's getting harder to puzzle out those damn captchas. You can turn them off, you know.

  6. Hey Mike, I'm glad you're here! Always good to hear from you.

    I didn't realise that those bloody Captcha things were enabled on here. I'll have to sort them out...

  7. OK, word verification / Captcha should be disabled now. Of course, if I get huge cans of Spam appearing here, I'll probably stick it back on...

  8. I blame myself. Enjoying your blog posts as much as I do without leaving any comments is like listening to music without paying for it...or not buying comics and just reading the online reviews...or tut-tutting when a local shop closes despite contributing to same by ordering things online.

    Boy, do I have a lot of apology notes to write...

  9. Richard, don't blame yourself. Well, not too much...

    Seriously, it's good to have your support and it's always a pleasure to read your heartfelt and erudite comments...
