Sunday 5 February 2012

Nice weather for ducks...

...and herons, cranes, swans, geese, robins, pigeons, gulls etc.

Just a few photos from our trip this morning to Slimbridge Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust.

We're lucky to have such a beautiful wetlands nature reserve virtually on our doorstep here in Gloucester. As members we go down to Slimbridge at all times of year and it's fascinating to see the change of the seasons.

After the snow we had yesterday, Slimbridge was still very icy, with birds slipping around on the frozen lakes. And, as you can see, it was quite misty and dank early on...

But it didn't bother these geese - they're used to it...

I was very pleased with these shots of this very bold robin who hopped up onto a bench next to me, hoping for some treats...

And here's Sarah, trying not to slip on the ice :-)

Some lovely, colourful Mandarin ducks. Always a pleasure to see them.

By the afternoon most of the remaining snow had melted and the sun began to shine through the mist.

A beautiful, if cold, day in one of our favourite places. What more could you want?

Even a stuffed fox (!) wanted to pose for the camera :-)


  1. Nice pictures! I can totally see KaTe Bush flailing and wailing in the background of the swan photos! =) Today was a bird day for me, as well: a road runner, an egret, and three hawks. It was birds all around!

  2. Was the road runner being chased by a coyote?

  3. The first time I saw one, I was definitely on the lookout for such shenanigans. I also looked up for falling anvils...
