Thursday 2 February 2012

Another year gone by...

If I may be totally self-indulgent and serious here for a moment, here's a photo of me and my Dad, Pete, from back in 1984. I think this pic was taken at the Beaulieu Motor Museum when we were on holiday down in Bournemouth. It's not a great quality photo but I like it because I've got very few photos of me and Pete together.
( Yes, I called him "Pete", not "Dad". I don't know why, really. It was just always that way. I don't think it's anything to do with the fact I was adopted - I certainly never called my Mum "Marlene" - it's just one of those peculiar, specific quirks that I suppose all families have and don't really think about, but look strange from the outside. )

Pete would have been 81 today which is impossible for me to imagine as he was only 64 when we lost him. I don't really want to go into a lot of detail here ( it's boring for other people and saddening for me ) but I'd just like to say that he was a lovely bloke, a fantastic father and husband, a genuine, salt-of-the-earth character... and we all love and miss him.

Anyway, thanks for indulging me, people of the Blogosphere, and I hope you'll understand why I've interrupted this usually frivolous blog for something a bit more personal.
I'll leave you with some of Pete's favourite music ( and mine too! ) from Glenn Miller...


  1. I appreciate the music of Glenn Miller myself, so Pete (if I may be so bold) was obviously a man of taste and discernment. And it may be a bit of a cliche, but, as long as we remember them they never truly die.

    How ya doing, Pete? Pleased to meet you.

    Thanks for the thoughtful post.

  2. See, I never thought of this as a frivolous blog -- I always considered it a heartfelt and sincere one, full of heart. Does this mean I have to go back and reread all your old posts in a different tone of voice?

    It's still less than a decade since my father died, but I expect I know something of how you feel. I still think about mine every day, so a post like this one seems entirely proper and reasonable.

  3. I know how you feel my friend. It's been more than a decade since my old man passed, but I still think of him every day.

  4. ...and my Dad would have liked the Glenn Miller, too.

  5. @Kid
    Hey, Pete would have been pleased to meet you, too! He was a very sociable, friendly man ( I don't take after him at all! ) who was happy to mix with all levels of society ( from farm labourers to landed gentry )and he was always just "Pete" to anyone he met. Thanks for the kind words.

    Feel free to read this blog in any tone of voice... so long as you keep reading it :-)
    Seriously, Richard, thanks for the warm thoughts. I do wonder sometimes if I come across as too self-indulgent when I write about more personal issues than the usual comics, music, films etc. I'm glad to see it's appreciated.

    Thanks for your support, mate. Much appreciated as always. I guess a lot of us in this corner of t'internet are around the same age and are experiencing the same ( or similar ) heartaches and joys that come with time and age.
    Anyway, I think I'll go listen to some more Glenn Miller... it makes a change from Punk Rock :-)

    Thanks again, guys!

  6. Never frivolous to give a shout out to your Dad. I had a great one too.

  7. Thanks for the comment, Cal! Always good to hear from you.

  8. A brilliant post It left me thinking that I would have liked to have met Pete :-)

  9. Thanks, Bill. I wish you could meet him, I really do...
