Friday 13 January 2012

FF Fridays: Medusa


  1. Medusa.......I'd forgotten what a babe she was ;-)

  2. That Barry Windsor Smith piece must be one of the earliest pieces by him to show classic illustrative influences starting to appear in his work rather than straight Kirbyisms.

  3. I always loved Gene Colan's MSH cover but I did't care for the story itself.

  4. @Bill
    Glad I was here to remind you :-)

    I've only discovered that image recently and, as you say, it's interesting to see BWS's style already beginning to develop.

    I have to admit I've never read that story... but I always liked the cover. I'll have to track it down someday.

  5. She always freaked me out when I was a kid.

  6. Mmmmm. Ladies with long red hair...

  7. And not just any red hair... hair that "obeys her every command"...
    It's enough to put L'Oreal out of business:-)

  8. She was always my favourite female member of the Fantastic Four - even if her power wasn't much use.

  9. Even though I always prefer the core members of the team, it was interesting to see Medusa and Crystal taking Sue's place occasionally. I've always thought that Medusa has been an under-developed character
    ( normally stuck at the default "bitch" setting )when she could have been so much more.

  10. One of my all time favorite characters. The latest 'War of Kings' series really showcased how badass of a character she could be. She doesn't use her hair often enough in fights.

  11. Medusa was ALWAYS HOT.. Loved her in the FF. One of my first comics was ish 138. Loved seeing her spilling out towards the reader.

    She was an excellent addition to perk up the FF during the 70s.

    Super sexy.

  12. I have that Third Eye poster shown at the top of your post. I won it at a carnival, throwing darts at balloons, when I was but a wee lad. That same day I won the Third Eye poster of the FF, with Ben on the jet shoes -- it had been a pin-up in one of the Silver Age annuals.

    I probably should have made darts my career, rather than teaching...

    Fun post - thanks!


  13. @Cal
    I'm glad to see that Medusa is still a player in the MU, but she appeared in FF #600 and is apparently now only one of a harem of Black Bolt's wives :-(

    Thanks for commenting! I've noticed that Medusa is depicted as the archetypical, Fay Wray-like damsel in distress on the covers of both FF #s 137 and 138. Surely she could have kicked those monsters' butts? I blame male chauvinist editors ;-)

    Sounds like a good day at the carnival! I don't know if those Third Eye posters ever made it to the UK - I've never seen one, but they sound cool!
