Thursday 30 June 2011

Prom Night: School's out forever!

Sophie's Prom last night:

Starting with some back-garden posing...

Then, the arrival of friends and transport...

And then it's paaartaaay time!!

I'm sure you'll agree with my biased view that Sophie ( and her friends, of course ) looked absolutely lovely as they headed off to celebrate the end of school and exams.

( She's doing it all again tonight as it's her boyfriend's Prom this time. Somebody might be a wee bit tired tomorrow... )


  1. Congratulations to Sophie!. My daughter does that next year.

  2. Thanks, Mike!

    I know it's a glaringly obvious thing to say that they grow up so fast nowadays... but they do :-)

  3. You have proms in Britain now? I feel so disillusioned. Still, I suppose it's America's fault, our movie and tv and comics made it look so glamorous...

  4. Yeah, it's a recent thing, never had it in my day ( the dark ages ).....

    My kids' generation have been hugely influenced by American culture,which can be worrying, but then I grew up on American movies, comics and music, so I can't complain too much :-)

  5. Hello everyone :) I'm Sophie, thanks for all the comments, my dad is great at taking pictures and I'd like to thank him for doing so, I had a great night, never forgotten :)

  6. i was just wondering where one of the girls got her dress from, it's so nice! its the mauve pink nude kinda one! Im on the look out for a dress at the moment as my prom is in june :)

  7. Thanks for commenting, Tilly. Hope you have a great prom!
