Sunday 29 May 2011

The cool and the crazy

You know who you are.....

But Blogger obviously don't.

For some reason my lists of Followers seem to have vanished off this blog and 15 Albums* - which is a pain in the arse. I know it's the height of fashion to moan about Blogger at the moment, but I'm jumping on the bandwagon.

Come on, Blogger! Get it right!

Maybe it's time to migrate to Wordpress.....

*Which I've finally updated with a post on Mercury Rev's Deserter's Songs. Check it out...


  1. I've noticed the "follower thing" too, but the list always returns in a few hours. Overall, I think Blogger has improved greatly since I started in '09. The post editor is easier and they gave us Twitter and Facebook buttons and richer design choices - among many other functions.

    BTW - just a suggestion- you might want to enable your "Share" buttons on your posts. It makes it so much easier for your readers to Tweet or post your articles to Facebook.

  2. ...and I log in this morning, and it's all back again! Makes my early-hours, bleary-eyed post look a little whingey, really...

    I've never thought about the Share button, not being a Twitterer, but I'll look into it. Thanks for the suggestion, Mr. K!

  3. Everybody has the problem with the followers gadget :(
    But at least we, still, don't have problems with commenting and posting like some people have who haven't been able to write comments or posts for weeks now :((( That thing totally creeps me out.
    Something is really wrong with the Blogger. I hope it will get better soon.

  4. Unless you're super serious about blogging I'd avoid wordpress. Blogger, despite its problems, is much more user friendly.

  5. Dez, Mike - thanks for the comments, guys.

    TBH I'm a bit embarrassed I ranted on here about Blogger - it's not the worst problem in the world, obviously :-(
