Tuesday 19 April 2011

Elisabeth Sladen

I'm absolutely shocked and saddened to hear that the wonderful Lis Sladen has died at the tragically young age of 63. I really can't write any more at the moment...


  1. Yeah. For a great many of us within a particular age group this is more than the loss of a good person and well-liked actor, it's a blow to our childhood itself. And with the popularity of the Sarah Jane Adventures, another generation now associates Lis Sladen and Sarah Jane Smith with being young. I'm seeing a lot of people describe her as "best known for her role in Doctor Who" but that kind of misses the point: a lot of folks now in their forties and fifties, and still others who might not even be ten years old yet, will remember her best for the role she played in our lives.

  2. I know exactly how you feel, mate.

  3. Thanks for the comments, guys. Very sad news indeed: a day later and I'm still thinking about it :-(

    Richard, you're spot-on about Ms. Sladen's influence on more than one generation. My son, James, is 11 and her untimely passing hit him as hard as it did me...

  4. I'm a rather late bloomer when it come to the Doctor and his companions (I joined the club about five or six years ago), but I feel the loss as deeply as if I had grown up with her. There'll never be another companion like our beloved Sarah Jane, even if the show goes on forever. She was one of a kind.

  5. You're right there, Mickey...
