Tuesday 1 March 2011


A big "Hi!" to new Followers Diabolik
( super villain extraordinaire )
and Steve ( of Moody By Name fame )
Welcome on board!

And welcome to another Follower who's just arrived, Ray Perez!


  1. cool! Thank you very much. I'm enjoying my visit so far. I've got plenty of catching up to do, but am looking forward to looking backward at your previous posts. Also just wanted to let you know how i came about the page. I googled "jesus' walking stick" as i just thought it to be a cool title to a song or a bandname or story, and i saw your page, and i jumped right in. Thanks for having me :)

  2. Hi Ray! Well, the blog is called "The Glass Walking-Stick" and when I was in a band we used to play a song called "Jesus Stole My Skateboard" - so you've come to the right place!
    Good to hear from you...

  3. Cheers! I love losing hours of my life reading blogs on comics, films and so on. It's quite addictive!

  4. Hi Steve! Thanks for the comment.

    Yeah, tell me about it! I often plan to write something witty and intelligent on this 'ere blog, but end up trawling through loads of internet waffle instead, until I'm too knackered/square-eyed to remember what it was I was going to say.
