Monday 13 December 2010

The Inner Sanctum

.....Sometime in the late '80s.

This is my old bedroom at Manor Farm, where I lived until I was 23.

I can see by looking at this ancient artefact that my tastes and interests haven't changed much in the last 20-something years. On the shelf to the left can be seen:
Stan Lee's "Origins" books
A picture of a devil created by me and my mate Kev when we were about 10
Clive Barker's Books Of Blood
Some dinosaurs of the cuddly and kit-form varieties
Assorted comics and mags

And on the walls:
Posters - Elric by Rodney Matthews, Conan by Boris Vallejo, Spidey by John Romita
Marilyn Monroe and Captain Christmas
My own creations - Punk collages, a lino-print of an anthropomorphic lemon (!), a Death Planet Commandos poster, a Cadbury's Fudge wrapper stuck to the wallpaper ( why not? )

Not to mention assorted junk on the writing-desk, including very-'80s Gonks and ET figure, and my beloved leather jacket which used to be like a second skin for many years, but now languishes at the bottom of my wardrobe.....

The pretty girl with the big hair is probably laughing because I've just told her that in 20-something years' time we'll be married with two kids and two cats, and will be living in sweet suburbia. As if that would ever happen :-)

Oh, and here's me auditioning for Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.
I didn't get the gig.....


  1. Thanks for the glimpse into a young Cerebus660's life. And BTW, you TOTALLY remind me of Joe Strummer in that photo, dude. =)

  2. Aww, thanks Mickey - you've made my (Birth)day! Yep, 44 years young today and not looking too much like Joe Strummer any more :-)

  3. Happy birthday (a day late)! Hope it was a good one!! =)

  4. Thanks Mickey. Yeah it was a pretty good day. The first one without my Mum, obviously, but I kept myself busy and spent some time with friends and family, so it wasn't too bad. Thanks again for the kind words,
    Simon ( cerebus660 ).
