Saturday 30 October 2010

Jane Austen's Fight Club

If only this had been in existence when I was being bored out of my brain by Austen's Mansfield Park back in my ( shudder! ) Sixth Form days.

Next: Chuck Palahniuk's Pride And Prejudice!!??


  1. I love this - only saw Fight Club for the first time not too long ago and have never read a word of Austen, but still. This. Is. Tremendous.

  2. Fight Club is one of my favourite films of all time and Jane Austen is one of my least favourite authors :-)
    It's a marriage made in heaven!!

    BTW Thanks for the mention on your blog, Mickey xxx

  3. fabulous!

    I hated the Austen's and all their ilk at school. I hate all the writing I've (tried to) read from that era. Fight club make sit that much better!

  4. @Saranga:
    When I was doing my A-Levels we were told that for the next term we would cover either Austen's Mansfield Park or Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights. In the Summer holiday I read both - and thought Wuthering Heights was fantastic, but t'other was boring as hell. Guess which one we ended up doing?
