Saturday 10 July 2010

Trailer Time

Exciting, intelligent thrillers coming out of Hollywood? Pinch me, I must be dreaming.

Of course, if the best thing about these movies turns out to be the trailers, I'll change my name, start wearing dark glasses and a fedora, move to a fleapit hotel, and resume blogging by scrawling on the walls in some indeterminate fluid or other.....



  1. a fedora might look good on you, but I'm not sure about that fleapit hotel :))
    The only movie I'm personally waiting to see till the end of the summer is CENTURION with Michael Fassbender.

  2. I'm not too sure about that one,TBH - I've always found Neil Marshall's past films to be too grim for my liking...

  3. Inceptions is on my list of "To see" movies. It makes me think a little of that dreamscape movie:

    The adjustment bureau sounds exciting. A group of illuminati type figures who keep fate on the right path?
    How do they know what the future plans are? Sci-Fi and romance in one movie... I have to see this movie.
    I like Fedora's by the way and I have one (laughs).

  4. About that Fedora...
    Any photos?

  5. Not exactly 'shady' in character but then a hat only covers so much!

  6. The adjustment bureau is in my list to see this year but unfortunately it release was postponed to next year.
