Sunday 27 June 2010

Chinese Burn ( Wheatsheaf gig 26/06/10 )

Last night Sarah and I went to see the mighty Chinese Burn in action at the Wheatsheaf pub in Cheltenham. Hardly the rock 'n' roll centre of the universe, but a decent little venue with a good sound system and a nice beer garden outside.

After all the stress and worry of recent weeks it was good to go out for a few drinks with mates and watch some of yer actual Punk Rock. Chinese Burn were on top form, banging out old favourites like Defending Stalingrad, Shut Your Mouth and You Can Never Be Sure, along with the controversially-titled I Wonder Who's F***ing Her Now? ( One for the mums and dads in the audience! )

So, all good fun, but quite a short set - a couple more songs would have been good. Maybe next time, lads?

The headliners were Noise Agents, a street punk/ Oi! outfit, formed from the ashes of legendary Gloucester band Demob. They play a very basic, shouty, Cockney Rejects-type racket, which I would probably have loved when I was about 14, but which sounds a bit old and sad nowadays. My mate Glenn tells me they're very nice guys, so good luck to them anyway.

We made a sharp exit after a couple of NA songs and went for a Chinese ( takeaway not Burn ) before heading home. A top night out and something we definitely needed.


  1. I'm glad to hear you've had a good night out.

  2. Woo! Sounds awesome. I have been soo boring lately, must...go....out....side...

  3. @Saranga: Thanks, we had a good time. We also saw a couple of acts performing at the Gloucester Gay Pride rally that afternoon, which was a bit of a contrast, but also good fun.

    @Sarah: Step into the light!
