Monday 24 May 2010

What's going on. ( An open letter to the Blogsphere. )

Blog posts have been few and far between here at The Glass Walking-Stick lately, as you may or may not have noticed. This is down to an intrusion by the ever-troublesome "real world" which is seemingly forever waiting to trip us up.

I mentioned a while back that my Mum was ill and I wondered whether to blog about that or not. I had plenty of much-appreciated support from you guys out in blog-land, but I decided not to hit you with my problems, and to just carry on with the usual inconsequential nonsense you've come to expect. But now my Mum's condition has worsened and her care is taking up a lot of our time, so my output here is necessarily less then before.

I'll still hopefully maintain some kind of presence here - particularly with the Doctor Who reviews which seem to get later each week - but things will probably stay fairly quiet around these 'ere parts for a while at least. Then again, I might find it therapeutic to churn out all sorts of rubbish; I'll play it by ear for now.

Thanks for your time,
cerebus660 ( Simon. )


  1. Reality and Virtuality can both be nightmarish and sometimes we need one as an escape from the other. Other times we just need to reach out. If there's one thing I've discovered about the blogosphere, it's that a surprising number of good folks will be there when you do. Take care of yourself, sir.

  2. Best wishes. Tend to the things that require your immediate attention, as time is fleeting. Cherish the memories.

    Best to you,


  3. Very sorry to hear about your mother's ill health. It's been a pleasure reading you over the last couple of years and I look forward to doing so in the future. My best to you and your family.

  4. Very sorry for you and your mother.
    Best to you

  5. Thanks for the kind words guys. It really means a lot to me.

  6. aww that's rubbish. I hoep your mum gets better soon.

  7. Thanks Saranga, it is rubbish, as you say. The support of all you lovely people out there in the blogoverse is very much appreciated.

  8. I went through this with my dad a few years back, and I remember what being able to stay in touch with folks online meant for me then. You be good to yourself, okay? Count me as just one more person who's thinking good thoughts for you and yours.

  9. Once again, thanks to all my net-friends, old and new.

  10. I'll keep you and yours in my thoughts = focus on what you need to, come back to us when you can. *hugs*

  11. Cheers, Mickey. *hugs back*
