Sunday 9 May 2010

No vamps here, honest...

Just us girls. ( No Vampires Of Venice review yet: fangs have been too hectic this weekend )


  1. I loved the scientific reasoning behind the vampire myths, perception filters (again) come to the rescue. How many aliens are not fooled by psyche paper? It's quickly becoming not worth the paper you thought it was (think about it!)

    I didn't like this episode much, I felt something big, like the space inside the Doctor's pockets was missing although quite possibly the perception filters around the script didn't allow me to see what exactly.

  2. I wasn't too impressed the first time I saw this episode, but I watched it again last night and enjoyed it a lot more. The story was quite weak and derivative, but there were enough fun moments to keep me watching. You're right about the old psychic paper - time it was recycled :-)
