Sunday 30 May 2010

Doctor Who: Cold Blood ( review with spoilers )

Leapin' lizards - Just a mini-review this week, sorry. Reality intrudes yet again, leaving me with little time for blogging. And even less time to review a show about time-travellers. Excuse me, I think I just stepped in some irony, don't want to get it on the carpet.....

So, Cold Blood, part two of Chris Chibnall's Silurian morality tale. Metaphors abound as the lizard-men "illegal immigrants" mass at our world's ( underground ) border, demanding their share of the surface. While the good Doctor tries to broker a peace deal, angry and frightened mother Ambrose kills lizard-warrior-woman Alaya, pushing the Silurians towards total war.....

A fine ending to the story, again very trad Who, but very intelligent and moral, with all the characters acting for what they think are the best reasons, not just as "goodies" and "baddies": I think the Silurians' creator, Malcolm Hulke, would approve. I love the scenes in the Silurian city, but then I'm a sucker for secret underground bases and cities in fantastic fiction, and often in my dreams too. And just when we think the story is over, invasion averted, humans and Silurians at peace ( for the next 1000 years, at least ), there's a sting in the tail... sorry, "tale".....

Poor Rory. He didn't understand much of what was going on, but he was honest and decent; he wanted to help people and he wanted the love of a beautiful red-head. What he got was death at the hands of homo reptilia and the final indignity of being wiped from existence by that pesky Crack in time. Rory now never lived and even Amy has forgotten him. But the Doctor remembers. And, as he said, "Time can be re-written", so.....
who knows?
Maybe we'll see him again when the Pandorica opens.

Four Out Of Five Bow Ties.

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