Monday 12 April 2010

cerebus660 is SFXy

I must say it felt pretty good ( if not actually SFXy ) to wander into my local WH Smith at the weekend and find a ( tiny ) cerebus660 byline in the latest issue of The World's Number One Sci-Fi Magazine. This was a capsule review I posted on the SFX website about Lucius Shephard's Life During Wartime - previously mentioned here. Page follows, needing maximum clickage for bigness.....

The problem is that cyber-me thinks "Great! The cerebus660 brand name is expanding into new territories. The world will soon be mine! Hahahahahaha etc."

However, real-world-me thinks: "Bugger! Should have put me real name on it!"


  1. Well done. The world is now clearly your oyster. I once had a letter published in SFX - which might not be quite on a par with having a mini review - but still it's always exciting to get stuffed published isn't it?

  2. Thanks for commenting, guys! As you say, Steve, it's always exciting to see your work in print. I had a short story printed in a horror fiction mag called Frighteners some years ago. I'll have to dig it out and post it before long.

  3. Congrats! I read that page and didn't spot your name on the side...

  4. Glenn, Baldy... Thanks for the kind words, guys.
