Thursday 18 March 2010

Cautiously optimistic

After a visit last night from our friendly neighbourhood tech guy, my PC seems to be up and running again. I won't get too excited 'cos I've been here before only to be disappointed, but hopefully The Glass Walking-Stick isn't shattered, just glued back together.....

Fingers crossed. Wings flapping.


  1. It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's Cerebus660 come back to us with a working computer!! =)

  2. you too, huh, dude? man, I'm eeking out a virtual existence on the wife's laptop, at the moment. me old warhorse of a rig got proper chewed up and spat out by some evil virus crap, and I'm still waiting on whether anything can be salvaged, or not. hope it all works out for you.

  3. Cheers, guys. The PC seems to be working OK at the moment - I know: famous last words! - but I'm keeping a close eye on it. Hope you can get yours sorted, Joe. It's a pain in the arse isn't it?
